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Clip Studio, The Greatest Thing to Happen to M.I.A. Comics

This post is to let everyone know that we are still working hard on both comics. Baid Is Born and The Black Hobo. Baid Is Born has 3 issues. All three are written and drawn. The Black Hobo's first issue is written. Currently, I am coloring the first issue of Baid Is Born. Shahied is drawing the first issue of The Black Hobo. I wanted to discuss the software that is making this all possible. My brother and I dreamt of having jobs in the comic book industry.

CLIP STUDIO PAINT - The artist's software for drawing and painting. This is why we believe we can accomplish that goal. When Shahied and I started our first book. Baid Is Born. We used paper and a large format scanner. I wrote the dialog and scenes. He would sketch. Then complete the final drawing. I would scan the page and add dialog. Then take the file and have it printed.

After we decided to make a comic book universe. We discovered Clip Studio. We've reduced our material costs. We no longer need to use paper, pencils, ink, or markers. Everything is done on clip studios. We no longer needed our scanner. We were fortunate because after several years it stopped working. Shahied now creates a page using a drawing tablet. With Clip Studio software installed on his home PC. Once the page is complete, he emails it to me. And I use Clip Studio to add dialog. And color the page.

There is a learning curve to the software. However, there is an abundant number of tutorials. Some are provided by Clip Studio. And some are provided by people that use the software. My favorite feature of Clip Studio. I can take my own photographs and import them into a drawing. Importing image data - Clip Studio Official Support (

The background is a picture of the moon. I took it one night from the parking lot of my apartment. The picture of Baid. I drew years ago.

This feature cuts down on the time it takes to draw a background. Well back to coloring Baid Is Born. Once I finish this page 13, I will share it with you.



M.I.A. Comics


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